The Three Rs – Relief

Our business is modelled on the three R’s – Relief, Recognition, and Reward. Today I’m going to talk about Relief.

Anyone who runs a business understands the burden of paperwork. Most paperwork is now digital, but it still sucks up an inordinate amount of time, time that entrepreneurs know could be much better spent in revenue-producing activities. This is why many businesses shy away from any government program. Many clients have told me they tried some government assistance program once and it required so much extra work it wasn’t worth the effort.

We have all learned the hard lesson that government = bureaucracy = paperwork.

SJE Consulting’s mission is to provide Relief from government bureaucracy and paperwork. We identify the client projects that may be eligible for a government assistance program, we write the proposals, arrange the meetings, and handle all the ongoing reporting. Our clients get the benefit of government assistance without the headache of government bureaucracy, and that spells Relief.

Written By Steven Eddy

Steven is the President and Founder of SJE Consulting Ltd. He has years of business experience navigating the complex world of government grants for small businesses, research and development projects, and tax credits.

Posted to: Three Rs

May 29, 2020

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