Canexport – Now Open for Applications

Heads up! This post is now 2 years old, and the content may not be current information.

The Canexport program provides financial support for Canadian companies that are developing new international markets, including the United States.  Companies can receive up to $50,000 in subsidies towards a wide variety of costs such as travel, advertising, trade show displays, and sales consultants.

The Canexport program just re-opened for accepting new applications.  This is a popular program, so it is best to get applications in early. 

Sooner is definitely better than later.

If you are developing international sales, give us a call and we’ll let you know how this program can fit with your plans.

Written By Steven Eddy

Steven is the President and Founder of SJE Consulting Ltd. He has years of business experience navigating the complex world of government grants for small businesses, research and development projects, and tax credits.

Posted to: CanExport

March 16, 2023

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