Our Mission
SJE Consulting Ltd. specializes in accessing government grants for research & development & automation projects for Canadian companies.
Our commitment to our Mission creates a focus, bringing our clients the highest level of expertise.
We provide years of experience, close liaison with government funding agencies and up to the minute information on existing and upcoming funding opportunities. What sets us apart from others is that we actually visit with you at your site to build relations, to learn your business, and to understand your projects.
We take control of the funding process so that you can concentrate on managing your successful business.

“SJE Consulting’s insight into the grant process and their handling of all the proposals and reports made it worthwhile to pursue and acquire these grants.”
Peter Murray – President
Talon Helicopters
Get In Touch
ServING Clients Canada-wide
Toll-Free: 1.877.753.2678
Email: inquiries@sjeconsulting.com