Allan Lambert – VP General Mgr.
“Having met with SJE Consulting for the first time in early 2017 we were pleasantly surprised to learn that several of our business activities were eligible for a variety of grants. The value of the grants we’ve received through SJE Consulting’s efforts has certainly exceeded our expectations. We only wish we’d met SJE Consulting years earlier.”

Marc Peers – Manager
“A few years ago we met SJE Consulting. They walked us through the step-by-step process of getting a grant, helped us outline our goals, introduced us to their contacts in the granting agencies, prepared all the grant applications, and took care of all the follow-up paperwork. We’ve received several grants with SJE Consulting’s help and are very happy with our ongoing business relationship.”

Karl Schenk – President
Schenk Architectural Imports Ltd.
“We have worked with SJE Consulting for six years. With their knowledge and access to grant programs we’ve had grants for growth, automation, training, and IT implementation, often several grants in the same year.
The time we spend in meetings with SJE Consulting provides the highest per-hour dollar return of any activity we undertake.
They gather information from us and get the grants for us with no disruption to our day-to-day activities. I highly recommend SJE Consulting to any business.”
Jim Carrigan – President
“Seven years of grants and counting! Every year SJE Consulting has recommendations for grants for projects that help us stay out in front of our industry. SJE Consulting helps us with the integrated planning of our projects, then finds the grant money that allows us to do the work.
More than once SJE Consulting’s knowledge and contacts within the granting agencies has allowed us to take advantage of briefly available grant opportunities.
I definitely recommend SJE Consulting. If they call, you should listen. Better yet, call them.”

Peter Murray – President
“We are always looking to improve the skills of our pilots and enhance systems on our helicopters. SJE Consulting was able to obtain grants for pilot training and equipment development that have brought real value to our business.
SJE Consulting’s insight into the grant process and their handling of all the proposals and reports made it worthwhile to pursue and acquire these grants.
I recommend SJE Consulting to any business looking to navigate the government grant process and improve their bottom line.”
Anthony Hoeksema – President
“Several years ago we took on an ambitious manufacturing automation development project. SJE Consulting was recommended to us by our automation consultants.
SJE Consulting worked as part of our team, procuring grants for every phase of the project from start to finish.
It was great to be able to focus on the project and our core business and let SJE Consulting handle all the government bureaucracy.”
Igor Todorovic – President
Our development work involves complex software and engineering.
We appreciate SJE Consulting’s ability to understand our development projects, recommend grant programs, prepare the proposals including timelines and budgets, and complete all the subsequent monthly and annual progress reports.
We’re able to concentrate on what we do best, developing leading-edge directional drilling equipment, and leave the bureaucracy for SJE Consulting to handle.
Todd Pratt – Owner
We submitted a 2020 SR&ED claim to CRA which resulted in our company owing even more tax than before the SR&ED claim. Nobody at CRA could explain to us what happened.
Our accountant recommended we get help from SJE Consulting Ltd. We contacted SJE Consulting Ltd., and several days later they filed a revised 2020 SR&ED claim for us.
Eight weeks later CRA approved the revised 2020 SR&ED claim, which eliminated our large tax liability and provided a substantial refund.
The excellent work by SJE Consulting Ltd. saved us over a million dollars.
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